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Date: 2021-04-22
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Micro-site and micro-mall are one of the most popular mall model developments at the moment. With the advent of the mobile Internet era, users are more accustomed to using mobile phones to browse micro-sites. Therefore, many prescient companies have seen the strange browsing of current users and the changes of the times, and they are building micro-sites. The micro-site construction market on the market is also relatively hot, not only the demand for micro-site construction is booming, but also the competition among micro-site developers is also very fierce. Micro-site construction businesses have sprung up after the rain, and many builders can choose when companies build a micro-site.

The cost of micro-site construction is introduced above. The micro-site construction market is very hot, so in this case, the price of building a micro-site will not be very high. According to the editor, in the current micro-site production market, the construction cost of a micro-site is several thousand yuan, but there are also more expensive ones. As long as the microsite construction price is directly related to the function of the site. Micro-site construction, you get what you pay for. For companies, how much money it spends to build a micro-site is what a micro-site is.

Must understand what a microsite is

The microsite is derived from the integration and innovation of WebApp and website. It is compatible with major operating systems such as iOS, android, and WP. It can be easily linked to WeChat, Weibo and other applications, adapting to the mobile client browsing market’s requirements for browsing experience and interactive performance. A new generation of websites.

Factors affecting the construction cost of microsites

1 The framework of the micro-site itself is relatively small, so the cost of building a micro-site is cheaper than the cost of building a pc-site

2 How much is the microsite? It is related to the functions of the microsite. The more features of a microsite, the higher the quoted price. Because you have more functional requirements, developers have to spend more time developing

3 For the construction of micro-sites, the more services they require, the higher the price will be.

Must understand what a microsite is

The microsite is derived from the integration and innovation of WebApp and website. It is compatible with major operating systems such as iOS, android, and WP. It can be easily linked to WeChat, Weibo and other applications, adapting to the mobile client browsing market’s requirements for browsing experience and interactive performance. A new generation of websites.
